Archive for the ‘Linux’ Category

Linux, CentOS, Redhat G++ compiler and rand() / random function

Tuesday, November 18th, 2014

If you are using the G++ compiler in Linux, CentOS, or Redhat there are a couple of steps to adding a random number generator to any project.

  1. Include the precompile library: #include <stdlib.h>
  2. Use the function and add seeding: first_number = rand()%6 +1);

The basic function in C++ for the G++ compiler in Linux looks like this:

#include <iostream>

#include <stdlib.h>

int main()


int first_number = rand()%6 +1;

std::cout << first_number;

return (0);


Setting up SSH keys in Linux for use between other Linux servers and Windows PC running Cygwin

Saturday, March 23rd, 2013

Creating SSH keys using ssh-keygen is very simple and can be used to run remote scripts without supplying a password.

Here is a link to the video:
SSH-Keygen to generate SSH keys


Good method for installing WordPress Upgrades

Tuesday, January 29th, 2013

I have multiple WordPress blog sites and use Linux hosting. The website uses WordPress and MySQL. Here are the steps I use for the updating WordPress.

  1. Log into the WordPress website as an administrator account. You will notice on the Dashboard there are updates (Figure 1).

Working with Linux and UNIX sudo

Saturday, January 26th, 2013

Sudo is a great security feature found in Linux and Unix. Linux and UNIX has a super user called root. Instead of providing users full root authority, sudo allows the system administrator to grant root access on a narrow scope.

Securing a new and installed WordPress blog

Wednesday, January 23rd, 2013

Danger: Ensure to back up the WordPress database and files before making
any changes or installing updates to avoid website down time.

Danger: Do not use the same password and user name for administrator and
database accounts.

Tip: These changes are designed to help secure a WordPress blog. If you feel your website has already been compromised additional steps might be required to fully secure the website.

Securing a WordPress blog is an ongoing activity. Constant vigilance is required to prevent and intervene to secure the blog. While many of us work 8 – 12 hours a day, malicious scripts are working 24/7/365. These steps are not hard to follow and were actually implemented to an active WordPress blog.

Creating Free Backups of Hosting Plan Websites and Applications

Friday, December 28th, 2012

We have a new book out for creating free hosting plan backups of websites and applications. Considering the costs incurred with backups and recovery the $4.99 cost is negligable. The book contains a little for all users running on a Linux Hosting Plan.

The completed process is fully automated, so no more wondering if your website is protected. Added features include component installation and full recovery. What use is a backup unless you can recover the site from it? You can see a test restore from the book at

Click on the link below to view some of the books content.

Support independent publishing: Buy this e-book on Lulu.


KVM and Ubuntu 11 i686 and iptables

Sunday, May 6th, 2012

I was creating virtual guests in KVM on my Ubuntu 11 host. The problem I was experiencing was not having the ability to connect to the guest from outside the host’s console.

The guest was a Window’s Server 2008 Standard. I needed to connect to the server via RDP. Here were the two lines I ran against iptables to get it to work:

Firefox, Flash Player 11, and Ubuntu 8.04 not working – Google Chrome

Monday, April 9th, 2012


It appears the Ubuntu is having problems with THEIR modifications to FireFox and how it handles Adobe Flash with version 11. Developers can say what they want about about Flash supporting 64 bit. The bottom line is that users are having problems with Ubuntu FireFox 11.

I do allot of work with Firefox in managing websites and overall web browsing. I also do alot of development for other software and cannot find the time right now to fix the package problems. I over came this by installing google-chrome online. The package comes ready for use with the Debian installer.

Installing CentOS 6.2 from the net installer ISO on a 1 GB Kingston DataTraver USB stick

Thursday, March 29th, 2012

What is nice about CentOS 6.2 is the ability to install the OS from a USB stick. Here is how I performed my installation.

Grub error 15 File not found on Ubuntu and Linux

Wednesday, March 28th, 2012

Don’t normally do this, but I was editing the menu.lst file  on my Ubuntu machine and thought I would be cool and just replace some of the file names. Well, I did not fair too well. I received the infamous Grub error 15: File not found with any of my boot selections.