Archive for the ‘Windows C# Programming’ Category

C# Methods using temperature conversion fahrenheit and celcius

Wednesday, January 16th, 2013

/*This is a console application to introduction to methods.

Every program requires a heading, which is below. The fields

will vary according to the class or organization you are

creating this program. For this class we will use temperature


C# Create Class with Properties for the temperature conversion Celcius and Fahrenheit

Sunday, February 26th, 2012

Here is the main program:

/*This is a console application to introduction to classes. Every program requires a heading, which is below. The fields will vary according to the class or organization you are creating this program. For this class we will use temperature conversions.

C# Variable Basics Using Temperature Conversion Fahrenheit and Celsius

Sunday, February 26th, 2012

Here is a brief introduction to variable within C#.  We will be using temperature conversions to demonstrate variable declaration, usage, and formatting. Simply copy and paste the code into any new Microsoft Visual C# console application and you should be good to run this application.

/*This is a console application to introduction to variables.

Every program requires a heading, which is below. The fields

will vary according to the class or organization you are

creating this program. For this class we will use temperature
