Archive for the ‘Wordpress’ Category

Alternative to Dragon Naturally Speaking

Saturday, February 9th, 2013

Dragon naturally speaking is the great piece of software. However you may not be used to working with a microphone and have the right to a blog or text article sell a nice alternative is Windows Speech Recognition.

Good method for installing WordPress Upgrades

Tuesday, January 29th, 2013

I have multiple WordPress blog sites and use Linux hosting. The website uses WordPress and MySQL. Here are the steps I use for the updating WordPress.

  1. Log into the WordPress website as an administrator account. You will notice on the Dashboard there are updates (Figure 1).

Securing a new and installed WordPress blog

Wednesday, January 23rd, 2013

Danger: Ensure to back up the WordPress database and files before making
any changes or installing updates to avoid website down time.

Danger: Do not use the same password and user name for administrator and
database accounts.

Tip: These changes are designed to help secure a WordPress blog. If you feel your website has already been compromised additional steps might be required to fully secure the website.

Securing a WordPress blog is an ongoing activity. Constant vigilance is required to prevent and intervene to secure the blog. While many of us work 8 – 12 hours a day, malicious scripts are working 24/7/365. These steps are not hard to follow and were actually implemented to an active WordPress blog.