Migrating VSI-FAX 6.1 to a new server

Moving VSI-FAX to a new server is relatively simple and VSI-FAX 6.1 is compatible with Windows 2008 and 2012.
Here are the steps to migrate VSI-FAX:

  1. Install VSI-FAX 6.1 on the new server.
  2. Shut down VSI-FAX scheduler on both the new and old VSI-FAX servers.
  3. Perform the following:
    1. On the new VSI-FAX server, shut down both VSI-FAX services (Scheduler and Administrator Console).
      Rename the following files:
      \program files (x86)\vsi-fax\faxserver\lib\vsisrv.ini to vsisrv.ini.ORIG
      \program files (x86)\vsi-fax\faxserver\lib\dialcode.lst to dialcode.lst.ORIG
      Rename the following folders:
      \program files (x86)\vsi-fax\faxserver\lib\covers to covers.ORIG
      \program files (x86)\vsi-fax\faxserver\spool\dbs to dbs.ORIG
      Copy the files and folders listed above from the old vsifax server to the new vsifax server.
  4. Keep the old VSI-FAX server’s scheduler turned off and start up the
    new VSI-FAX scheduler to see if all the settings have been migrated.
  5. Set the VSI-FAX services on the old server to manual.
  6. Ensure all the VSI-FAX clients are pointing to the new VSI-FAX server by editing
    C:\Program Files (x86)\VSI-FAX\faxserver\lib\vsifax.ini to point at the new server.

That should be all there is to migrating VSI-FAX to a new server. If running VSI-FAX 6.0 and want to upgrade to VSI-FAX 6.2 you will need to upgrade the old VSI-FAX server to VSI-FAX 6.1 then VSI-FAX 6.2 before migration. The above steps are valid once you install VSI-FAX 6.2 on the new server.


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